Earl Campbell Spends Time at Bentonville West

By Evan Kamikow
on 2023-10-19 19:53 PM

CENTERTON, Ar. (KNWA/KFTA) – Football players at Bentonville West High School had a special treat in store as NFL Hall of Fame running back and former Texas Longhorn Earl Campbell took time to talk and answer questions from the students.

“Takes a lot of a lot of hard work to be a great football player,” Campbell said to Pig Trail Nation after the event. “And I think that that’s why I don’t think I would make a very good coach because I think I know what it takes to be the best.”

Campbell, along with his son, Tyler, shared messages about their experiences growing up in Texas, playing college football, and how they continued their success after hanging up their cleats.

Head to the video above as our Evan Kamikow spoke with Tyler Campbell on today’s event.

(Last updated: 2023-10-19 19:53 PM)